Our team consists of individual that doing outdoor activities as their full time job. Start from experience as a mountain guider, creating new hiking trails around West Malaysia, involves in adventure race, and evolving to assisting technical work for race event. Until one day, we decide to put our-self at higher level, by organizing our own adventure event.
We choose to do an ultra marathon event at Gopeng. Our intention is to create a new attraction here. At the same time promoting Gopeng as a great hub for an Outdoor Enthusiast to gather around and acknowledge it existence here in Malaysia. Gopeng is a shining gold in this Silver state.
The idea to create an ultra marathon challenge in Gopeng start from early 2016. The preparation was start from October 2016, where the first recce team start doing their survey on trails around the area. The first event was successfully organized by Thirty Ascend Services on 25 March 2017, right after Cameron Ultra Trail first launched in Cameron Highland (Pahang) by BOLT.
Reviewed by 30 Ascend
October 25, 2017

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