Gopeng Ultra Trail will be the best chance for such runners to go beyond and test their endurance levels. This might be a beginner’s race for those who are looking towards ultra distance, but be warned it will still be a real tester. Registration is open to all runners over 18 years of age, male or female, with no restriction to any nationality. Participants over 16 years old may also enroll for Gopeng Ultra race (only for 10KM or 25KM category) subject to prior consent from Thirty Ascend Services and written permission from a parent or legal guardian. They will have to meet the same requirements as adults;-
- Each individual allowed registering for one category only in this race.
- Participant that using other people bib number is not allowed and not entitled to have placing in podium, or received any prizes.
- 10KM / 25KM participants for this race will ideally be those who are running around 10-15kms on a daily basis or participating in any marathon event frequently especially for the period of 60 days from event date.
- 50KM participants will run a full distance of this course. Basic requirement for this category is for those who are running around 25-30 km on a daily basis or participating in any full marathon (42.195 km) at least 2 times for the period of 6 months from event date.
- However for 100KM participants, you should notice that this is not a beginner's race. It's definitely best to have already run a proper, official road and trail marathon (42.195 km) or even better. Since it’s a long distance race, you can alternate run/walk/run. You simply won't make the cut-off times if your stamina is not high, and we mean very high! If you come unprepared, you're in for a one tough run (with the only hope that your mind will be strong enough to get you through to the finish line).
- It’s going to be a Mixed Terrain that consist hills, flats and hills again. You may run on the paved road, gravel road, logging trail, forest trail and river crossing.
- The Gear you need for a race like this is different than the one you would take along on a road marathon. We will have aid stations along the way with water and food but it's essential that you check details on our Race Booklet (coming soon) to get a proper sense of what you need to run safe and happy.
- Stay positive at all times. Hard times are always, followed by happier moments. This is the key to long distance racing: hang on there until you resurface again. Also, remember that no one forced you to be running this. You're entirely responsible for being here.
- You must stay on the Marked Course. Short cuts are not permitted . If you get lost, return to the last sighted marking.
- You will be considered as Did Not Finish (DNF) the race if you are unable to complete the distance of your category within the cut-off time. You will be considered as DNF too if you unable to reach the designated Check Point within the cut-off time. Kindly cooperate with the official on duty and allow them to carry out the DNF procedure.
- If you decided to Quit during the race, kindly report to the nearest Check Point and follow further instruction by the officials. You may return to the finish line by yourself or in case of injuries, wait for medical assistant. If you choose to withdraw before the race you must sign the withdrawal form at the start/finish point. There no re-start after signing the form.
- You will be Disqualified (DQ) if you were found cheating by taking shortcuts, use any sort of vehicle for assistance, do not carry the mandatory items or commit any act harmful to other runners and officials.
- Cut-off Time. There’s a time limit on some Check Points to complete the course of 50KM and 100KM. If you miss the cut-off then you must follow the directions of officials. Please note that in bad weather conditions, cut-offs may be need to be brought forward during the event.
- Support crews are not allowed on the event course at any time. This can lead to disqualification of the participant. Support crews are only allowed in a specified area.
- The Food and beverage at the aid station are only for participants not for outsider or crew members. Please bring your own bottle (byob) to re-fuel your water at the aid station.
- You must carry the Mandatory Gear at all times during the event. Runners who lack of mandatory gear have to stop running until the missing gear is fulfilled. Failure to comply can lead to a time penalty or to disqualification based on the severity of the breach.
- You must Obey all directions from marshals and the race organizer.
- Littering is prohibited.
- Runners intending to break rules in the case of running with a bib that does not belong to you or running the distance you have not registered for will be disqualified.
- Breaking any of the rules may incur a time penalty or disqualification. Any such penalties are at the organizers' discretion and are final.
- All Cancellations made by the present or the occurrence of any disaster such as a hurricane, thunderstorm, landslide and things that can be dangerous to all the participants.
- There will be Medical Personnel on standby at the race site. Ambulance service is on standby as well for emergency cases.
- Participants are responsible to ensure that they are Fit and Healthy before starting the race. Please consult your doctor if there is any doubt.
- Participants are to accept the risk associated with the event as per indemnity clause stated in the registration form.
- The organizer will not be held responsible for any claim resulted from this event. It is recommended that you have personal accident insurance or health insurance.
If you plan on running this race, your training should begin right away. You can start slowly but you should gradually upgrade your distances. Don't forget that to be able to race safely in a healthy mental and physical state at all times.
Rules & Regulations
Reviewed by 30 Ascend
October 29, 2017